Summer 2011


Fresh for the Summer

summermixSome suppliers close up for the summer after the big spring shipments finish, but we maintain a steady business supplying fresh material to landscapers and garden centers over the summer months.

The full line of our Summer Series of 8-in pots has come online now and they are looking pretty good: Begonias, Celosias, Dahlberg Daisies, Heleniums, Impatiens, Lantanas, Marigolds, Melampodiums, Spreading Petunias, Rudbeckias, Salvias, Scaevolas, Verbenias, Vincas and Zinnias. Each plant is full in the pot, heavy with blooms and just opening up.


Patriotic Petunias

petunia_rwbFor the holidays, we offer a special mix of red, white and blue petunias for both landscapers and retailers.

These petunias work well for landscape projects, adding some independent spirit to public areas like stores, parks, commercial plantings and business baskets that hang outside. Take this opportunity to create a festive summer atmosphere and move out some of the spring baskets that have gotten a little tired.


Summer Snaps: Angelonias

angelonia_closeLooking for water-wise, heat-loving plants? Consider Angelonias. They deliver that snapdragon look during the summer: tall spires about a foot high with blooms cascading down in purples, lavenders and whites. Summer snaps flourish in the seasonal heat and are reasonably drought tolerant. Since each tall plant sports a narrow base, plant them in a little tightly—about 8 inches apart.



Harmony New Guinea Impatiens

ngimp_mixTo fill our 4.5-inch pots, we’ve chosen the Harmony series of New Guinea Impatiens. A Harmony will have slightly smaller flowers than a Celebration, but the plant itself is very well branched, resulting in more blooms. Harmonies are very floriferous, so their tops will get better color coverage than those of a Celebration.

This may seem like a nuance detail, but it’s one you can see for yourself:

  • For landscapers—a group of Harmonies will present more color as you walk toward it.
  • For retailers—a Harmony in a 4.5-inch pot will look better and more finished than a Celebration in the same pot.

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