
Hearthside Combos and Centerpieces

HSPC-00Our combinations for the Christmas season are the Hearthside Planter and the Hearthside Centerpiece. Unique to Diefenbacher, both are designed as living displays for the holiday season. Poinsettias are the starting point but we add other cool-tolerant silvers and greens to the mix to create vibrant arrangements rather than just points-in-a-pot.

The Hearthside Planter is built around a 24-inch planter—long and thin. We design it high and showy in order to fill the space—often a planter will end up being the focal point in the home or business where it is placed.

The Hearthside Centerpiece is built around a 10-inch color bowl. We design these lower and wider so they make more sense on coffee and dining tables—people like to see each other at the table. Centerpieces are available in plastic terra-cotta pots or in wicker baskets.


To infuse each Hearthside with a strong sense of personality we use distinctive materials like artemisia, dusty miller, diamond frost, Jacob’s ladder, juncus grass, needlepoint fern and asparagus fern. (Please note: each arrangement is different, and will include some, but not all, of the plants listed.) These are not just filler plants—each variety adds elegance to the design and finishes the Hearthside with high-end polish.


Hearthside Combos are available in any color of poinsettia we sell. Red, of course, is the most popular, but white and the art-style poinsettias make stunning mixes, too. Why not break away from the usual me-too poinsettia look this year? Bring in some Hearthside Combos.