Calathea roseopicta: Prayer Plant
Leaves curling for a good night's rest
Easter is this weekend and that got us to thinking about the prayer plant we’re growing this year. It’s not an Easter plant—the name comes from a unique characteristic of some plants in the Marantaceae family. At night the leaves fold up slightly, resembling hands put together in prayer. In the morning they return to their normal position so that we can continue to enjoy this striking foliage.
Bold markings for a dramatic display
Showy leaves always make us sit up and take notice and these are truly unique. Every once-in-awhile Mother Nature hands us a plant as if to say, “Hey, look what I can do,” and this is a fine example. How do you like the bold markings? That’s just the front; if you turn the leaves over the undersides are purple—pretty cool.
Calathea roseopicta is a tropical evergreen that’s a native of Brazil. It loves the heat and humidity but not necessarily the sun; too many rays will scorch the beautiful foliage. When using this plant in the outdoor landscape, give it a nice shady spot, like underneath a tree—that way you’ll liven up the shade area while keeping the plant’s coloration in prime shape.
Interiorscapes are where we see this plant most often, bringing an exotic flair to indoor displays. It looks dramatic on its own in a large planter but it can be used in combinations as well. Remember to avoid direct sunlight and cold drafts, and make sure there’s enough humidity in the air—you might need to get out the mister once in awhile. Temperatures should stay above 55 degrees.
Indoor beauty
Whether you use it indoors or out, try to place the prayer plant strategically so that passersby will get a glimpse of both the tops and undersides of the leaves. It grows about 20–30 inches tall, so it works nicely on a low table or bench.
Size and pricing varies on this plant throughout the season. Please call or email the office for current pricing.