Spring 2015
Foliage Ups and Downs
‘Fluffy Ruffles’
We’ve mentioned in the past how foliage plants are valuable design tools that carry us through the down time between waves of flowering plants. Unlike blooms that eventually whither and die off, attractive leaves tend to retain their interest throughout the season. Today we're talking about two very different types of foliage plants: ‘Fluffy Ruffles’ fern and ‘Spike’ dracaena.
Summer Olympias
‘Super Olympia Red’
Today the thermometer is at 84 degrees here in Cincinnati and it’s not even officially summer yet. Temps are only going to get hotter, and that’s one of the reasons begonias are so important in the landscaping industry. For accounts that require a continuous display of color we need a plant that can take the heat and keep putting out the blooms, with the least amount of tending-to on our part.
Helichrysum—Licorice Vine
Licorice vine in hanging basket
We believe supporting players deserve some recognition for all their hard work, filling and spilling in the background to maintain a strong foundation while fancy flowering plants get all the glory. Such is the fate of helichrysum, more commonly known as licorice vine. It's a plant we keep handy in the design tool box and we have to admit, we sometimes tend to take it for granted.
Herbs in Design
Fennel attracts butterflies
Herbs aren’t just for cooking. Their aroma can be intoxicating as they attract bees and butterflies to your gardens. Some even keep pesky mosquitoes at bay so you can enjoy the great outdoors.
Croton ‘Petra’
‘Petra’ makes a bold statement
Look at these big glossy leaves—you can count on a tropical to make a bold statement. Dark green, red, yellow, orange, bronze, and pink—every time we look at ‘Petra’ we see another color. Add to that the prominent veining: it’s a shade lighter, like an exclamation point to make us sit up and take notice.