Spring 2015


Goji Berry

FN 1.3 goji berry AOMA graduate school
Goji berry—a tasty superfood 

At first glance you might think these are grape tomatoes but they’re actually goji berries—considered by many to be among the healthiest of all super foods. They’ve been touted as curing everything from poor eyesight to cancer, which may or may not be true. We do know that they’re full of vitamins and other nutrients and above all else—they taste good.


Fresh Summer Plants

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Taishan marigolds

At Diefenbacher we’re still here carrying on through summer, even though a lot of other suppliers close up shop after the big spring shipments. We grow fresh plants specifically for the season—potted up just a few weeks ago and not repurposed from leftover spring material. Our summer crops are raised with our signature care and attention so they’re lush and healthy to liven up landscapes and retail benches.


Crossandra ‘Florida Sunset’

FN 1.2 Crossandra Florida Sunset blackoliveeastnursery.net
Warm, glowing blooms of ‘Florida Sunset’

We’ve brought back the lovely crossandra in a pretty shade of golden orange. You might remember this firecracker plant that thrives in the heat and humidity of a Cincinnati summer. Take a look at the unique flowers—they’re shaped like moths. Now do you remember?


Summertime Blues

FN 1.11 salvia victoria blue
Salvia ‘Victoria Blue’ 

We do end up singing the blues during summer in Cincinnati, when it’s hot, dry, and parched—and all our lovely ornamentals are biting the dust. Luckily at Diefenbacher we have a continuous supply of fresh color during the summer months to replenish displays that are starting to fade.


Angelonia Combos

FN 1.7 Angelonia Close 1801l wk24
Angelonia—ready for the summer sun

Spoiler alert: angelonia is one of our top picks for summer—but you probably saw that coming because we’re fans from way back. If there were a reality show called Cincinnati Survivor this plant would make it to the final episode, still standing tall and looking elegant enough to walk the red carpet.